Key Difference - Internet Security vs. CyberSecurity

· IT Consulting firm,managed IT services
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Technology has now been a significant part of our lives, and most aspects of it are now done through the use of technology. One such aspect is our communication. We do communicate with people all over the world through various social media platforms and other online channels. However, while this has made communication faster and easier, it has also opened up our lives to various risks. 

One of the biggest risks is cybercrime. It is a crime that is committed using a computer or a network. It can be anything from hacking into someone's account to stealing someone's identity. Security service Corpus Christi TX is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cybercrime.

There is too much confusion between internet security and cybersecurity. Many people use the terms interchangeably even though they are not the same. So, what is the difference between internet security and cybersecurity?

Internet Security

The term "internet security" refers to the measures put in place to protect our computers and networks from cybercrime. It includes things like antivirus software, firewalls, and password protection.

Users are typically responsible for the security of their own devices and networks. They need to ensure that they have the right security software installed and that their passwords are strong and unique.

The data and identities of users are not usually at risk when using internet security measures. Instead, the threat is mostly from hackers who want to steal information or money.


The word "cybersecurity" is used to refer to the measures that are put in place to protect our entire digital infrastructure. This includes things like our social media accounts, our email accounts, and our online banking.

IT consulting service providers define cybersecurity as a process that ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization's electronic information.

Cybersecurity is not just about protecting our devices and networks from cybercrime. It is also about protecting our data and identities. The threat to our cybersecurity comes from many different sources, including hackers, cybercriminals, state-sponsored actors, and terrorists.

Internet Security vs. CyberSecurity

The security system is necessary for every business and individual who uses the internet. So, it is essential to understand the difference between internet security and cybersecurity to choose the right type of security for your needs. The key difference is described below:


  • Internet security is mainly concerned with protecting devices and networks from cybercrime.
  • Cybersecurity is concerned with the protection of our digital infrastructure as a whole. This includes our social media accounts, email accounts, and online banking.


  • The threats to internet security are mainly from hackers who want to steal information or money.
  • Cyber threats are from many different sources, including hackers, cybercriminals, state-sponsored actors, and terrorists.

Data and Identities

  • The data and identities of users are not usually at risk when using internet security measures.
  • The data and identities of users are at risk when using cybersecurity measures.


  • The purpose of internet security is to protect users from cybercrime.
  • Cybersecurity aims to protect our digital infrastructure from all types of threats.

So, which one do you need?

If you worry about protecting your devices and networks from cybercrime, then internet security is the right solution for you. If you are anxious about protecting your data and identities, you need to go for cybersecurity. However, both solutions are necessary for a complete and comprehensive security solution.

Internet security and cybersecurity are both important, and each has its own specific purposes. However, to be fully protected, you need both. Managed IT service in Corpus Christi, TX, can help you stay safe online by providing you with the best security solutions. It's better not to take risks and be safe than sorry.